Xbox One screenshots
Screenshots, one of the most requested features by the community, are finally coming to Xbox One in the March update.
When the update releases, users will be able to take screenshots by either double tapping the Xbox button and then pressing Y, or by simply saying "Xbox, take a screenshot" if they have a Kinect hooked up. Along with the screenshot functionality comes an update to the Upload Studio. It will allow players to set screen captures as their console background. Other features, such as attaching screenshots to messages or posting them to Twitter, are coming in future updates.
Although the screenshot functionality is the highlight of the March update, the list of improvements doesn't end there. Users will be able to find people that they might know via the new suggested friends feature, share their real name with all their friends or everyone in the Xbox One community, set the level of tile transparency, and better manage their privacy with new privacy and online safety settings.
A video showcasing the new features can be viewed below:
Source: Xbox.com