Samsung at IFA Berlin. Photo Source: thetechsense.com
Windows Update is the best way to make sure that Windows is patched and secure. Microsoft recommends keeping the service in Automatic mode so updates are downloaded on a regular basis.
However, Samsung has a different view. Anyone who has bought a Samsung laptop has used SW Updater that checks for updates to bloatware that has already been installed along with drivers and software.
The utility comes with a program called Disable_Windowsupdate.exe that blocks access to Windows Update. Even in the case of attempt to manually enable the service, Samsung's program was found to prevent access.
The researcher has confirmed his discovery with the manufacturer:
ringzero: Hi Rep, I have a question regarding your SW Update software.
Rep: Hi Ringzero, please go ahead with your question.
Rep: I'll be glad to assist you.
ringzero: Thanks Rep! My question is, why does this software actively monitor the registry and deliberately cripple Windows Update by forcefully disabling it?
Rep: SW Update tool helps in automatically detecting the hardware on the laptop and installs the supporting drivers for them. I am afraid; this tool has directly no effect on the registry of your laptop or Windows Updates.
ringzero: Rep, I am afraid that you're incorrect. SW Update drops an exe named "Disable_Windowsupdate.exe"
ringzero: When SW Update is installed, Windows Update is always disabled. If it's enabled, or set to a setting of your liking, it'll be re-disabled on reboot.
ringzero: If SW Update is uninstalled, Windows Update stays enabled persistently throughout reboots.
Rep: Thank you for waiting. I'll be with you in just a moment.
ringzero: Sure.
Rep: When you enable Windows updates, it will install the Default Drivers for all the hardware no laptop which may or may not work. For example if there is USB 3.0 on laptop, the ports may not work with the installation of updates. So to prevent this, SW Update tool will prevent the Windows updates.
The risk increases due to delivering the app via non-secure protocol. If you are using a Samsung laptop you have to uninstall SW Updater and turn Windows Update on. You can also check the presence for the tool. All you need is to hit the Windows key + R and paste in the following command:
Source: bsodanalysis.blogspot.in