Crunchie Gateway

Sensoroid Gateway for Food-Safety Applications

Children still die today out of vaccine preventable diseases, although they have access to Vaccines. The problem subsists due to potential hazards that vaccines are subject in most developing countries.

This may be complicated transport routes with long duration where the vaccines may be subject to temperature peaks that may deteriorate them. And even when they get to a safe storage, their quality can still be impacted in the event of power-failures, if they remain undetected.


The lack of means to supervise these vaccines in real-time lead to situations where these vaccines cannot be salvaged, or even worse, where these vaccines may deteriorate without anyone noticing, leading them to be administered to children which may get ineffective inoculation.


Child; Vaccine

Vaccine being administered to Child


Just last month a large facility lost $1.3M in vaccines, spoiled due to lack of supervision.


Sensefinity offers a complete end-2-end solution to prevent spoilage and ensure quality. Sensefinity Perfect Cool is an out-of-the-box solution to prevent spoilage of perishable goods and increase the safety of pharmaceuticals and food. The easy-to-use User Interface allows for fast access to set-temperatures, thresholds, alarms and reports.


Since it is based on responsive technologies, it can be used on every Web-capable device, including Smartphones and Tablets.


Simple Management Front-end

Simple Management Front-end


For easier access alarms can be received by e-mail, so that alerts can be received even when you’re not in front of a Web-Browser.


E-Mail Alarm Notification

E-Mail Alarm Notification


Daily reports are available for archiving and product-safety records.


 Daily report

Daily report


The hardware comes equipped with a SIM which works in over 600 operators worldwide, allowing for immediate usage without any pre-configuration. This enables everyone to use it without the hassle of installation and setup.


Sensefinity is working with International Aid-Organizations in order to equip local teams with this technology so they can improve their help to the communities leaving a hight impact. Projects like Perfect Cool show how the Internet of Things can bring a high impact for people.



Orlando Remédios

Orlando Remédios

Orlando Remédios is the CEO at Sensefinity
