HUDWAY Glass is a universal vehicle accessory. Photo: HUDWAY
HUDWAY LLC. made a universal vehicle accessory that turns any smartphone into a head-up display (HUD) bringing comfort and safety to drivers all over the world. October 9, HUDWAY launched a Kickstarter campaign to start mass production in Taiwan.
We did it because we’re tired of waiting for others. Because we believe that automotive HUDs are safer than an instrument-panel display or a smartphone. And because other solutions are either very expensive, or stuck in the midst of a long and complicated development process. This is the accessory we want, and we think you’ll like it. It's simple and affordable. Discover a new way of using your phone while driving and not being distracted."
HUDWAY introduced the early prototype of HUDWAY Glass at CeBIT 2015 in Hannover for the first time. It is a simple accessory, which turns any smartphone into a head-up display. Moreover, it eliminates many issues associated with projecting an image onto a windshield, including doubling of the image, lack of reflection during daytime, image size and a few others. The product received very positive response from potential customers, dealers and retailers, as well as from many major representatives of the automotive industry.
The crux is in the glass. It’s the main HUDWAY Glass component - a plastic lens, very lightweight and of low fragility, which means that cuts are unlikely even if it gets broken. The glass has an aspheric shape, which allows to get a 20% larger image while at the same time minimize spherical, comatic, and chromatic aberrations. In other words, when looking through the curved glass you still see the road as it is, with no distortions.
HUDWAY glass on board
The campaign was launched on October 7th, and the community welcomed the idea. Two days after the launch, the project hit Top-5 most popular projects across all Kickstarter categories. On the fifth day from the launch date the campaign got 100% funded. On the whole, HUDWAY Glass campaign lasts 30 days and finishes November 8, 2015. HUDWAY Glass accessories are to be shipped to the backers by March 2016.
Kickstarter link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/361842686/hudway-glass-keeps-your-eyes-on-the-road-while-dri
Source: Press release